Including rich keywords in your content is vital to your rankings in the SERPs. But to find quality phrases, you will need to perform some research. This can be a process; however, you can utilize your competitors and keyword research tools to aid the process and perform keyword research in just 30 minutes.
How Much Time Should You Spend Doing Keyword Research?
When you have a solid strategy and take advantage of keyword research tools, you might spend less time on keyword research than you think. Ubersuggest, for example, can provide you with a list of words based on one broad keyword.
You could stop there if you wanted to, but it’s wise to get a feel for the interest that users have in your keyword. On Ubersuggest, you can click the keyword and select an option called “Google Trends.” From there, a graph will pop up representing how the keyword is trending over time. All of this research is only taking you just a few minutes.
Researching Difficulty And Search Volume
Now you know how your keywords are trending but looking deeper at difficulty and search volume, which can significantly impact rankings. If your site doesn’t have the highest page or domain authority, stray away from highly competitive keywords. Checking the search volume and difficulty of your keyword is not a long process at all. Again it only takes a few minutes and will save you time by informing you about keywords you’re able to rank for.
What Keywords Your Competitors Are Ranking For?
Another quick and valuable way to perform keyword research is by looking at your competitor’s sites. Type your keyword into Google and observe which sites are ranking for that keyword. If you see large companies use the keyword you’re trying to rank for; you know where your competition stands. You want to ensure your keywords are attractive enough but not too competitive at the end of the day, which won’t take long at all if done strategically.
Keyword Research Tools
Ubersuggest – Ubersuggest is a free tool that specializes in creating keyword ideas. You can type in a broad term and receive a plethora of long-tail keyword suggestions. There’s information available regarding monthly search volume, PPC competition, average CPC, and SEO competition. Not to mention you can obtain related key phrases, questions, and prepositions regarding your keyword. You are cutting your research time significantly.
KWFinder – KWFinder is a free tool available that works similar to Ubersuggest. Its user interface is easily navigable, and KWFinder offers an in-depth overview of the SERPs with a list of suggestions. Keyword research becomes more accessible than ever before with this tool.
SEMrush – SEMrush is an amazing tool for your keyword research. A tool like this is something you want to acquire if you’re looking to improve your research process. SEMrush offers yearly keyword trends, organic traffic insights, and a complete keyword difficulty analysis. This tool is not free like the others but does offer a seven-day free trial and deals for limited budget sites and freelancers.
Your keyword research can take half an hour if you’re using your recourses correctly. However, if you’re a small business owner with a busy schedule or don’t have an interest in studying the big world of Local SEO, we can help. Our team at Strategic Media Inc. has a vast understanding of keyword research and will optimize your site with terms we know will get you ranking. You can give us a call at 727-531-7622 or contact us online.