If you’re looking to find what your audience is searching for on Google, it’s all about keywords. You find these commonly searched phrases through keyword research. Taking your time during this process is important. Thorough keyword research and successful SEO go hand in hand. Using vague keywords with really high search volumes is not a wise strategy.

This blog will explain the information keyword research can provide, how long it should take you, ways to perform keyword research, and the positive impact it can have on your business.

What Information Does Keyword Research Provide?

Keyword research provides data that can reveal your audience’s Google searches. Plus you can find other important information like,

  • How often your audience is searching for a keyword
  • The keywords level of difficulty to rank
  • Which keywords your competitors are ranking for

This is useful information because you want to choose keywords that will resonate the best with your target audience. You also want to avoid keywords with a low search volume and high SEO difficulty. Otherwise, your audience will never find your content.

Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research tools are a strategic way to find a plethora of data on your keyword. You can gain inspiration from competitors and plan your content strategy around what your audience is searching for. Some examples of keyword research tools include,

  • SEMrush
  • Ubersuggest
  • Ahrefs
  • Google keyword planner

If you’re looking for a more in-depth overview of what some of these research tools can offer, check out our beginners guide for keyword research.

Find Your Target Audience’s Google Searches Through Social Media

Helping a business grow through SEO means understanding what your customers are actually searching for. Getting the best understanding of your audience means branching out from just looking at people’s Google searches.

Keyword Research On Social Media Sites

While social sites don’t have a “built-in” keyword research tool, they each offer great alternatives to find keywords and content ideas. For example, on Instagram, you can search hashtags related to your business. You then have a first-hand look at what’s trending in the realm of your industry. Not to mention ideas for new content.

Observe Real-Time Conversations

Another awesome thing about looking at your audience from social media’s point of view is observing real-time conversations. Keyword research is an opportunity to learn more about your target audience. This is a crucial step where you don’t want to cut corners.

Want to know more about performing keyword research through social media? You can check out this blog to discover the information various social sites can reveal about your audience.

Need Assistance Finding Your Audience’s Google Searches?

Doing keyword research and finding your audiences Google searches might not fit into your busy schedule. If that’s the case the professionals at Strategic Media Inc. are here to help.

We have experience with all different kinds of keyword research. Whether it’s through social media or keyword research tools, we are experienced and willing to find out exactly what your audience is searching for on Google.

You can contact us online or give us a call at 727-531-7622 for more information or any questions you might have.